3월 28일 캐시닥 디알고 노이즈캔슬링 헤드폰 퀴즈
OOO에는 디알고 블루투스 노이즈캔슬링 헤드폰 !
선물용으로도 좋고, 나를 위한 선물로도 좋은 갓성비 아이템! 노이즈캔슬링 입문용으로 추천드려요.
노이즈캔슬링 기능으로 나만의 시간을 만들어 보세요!
정답 : 신학기
Cashdoc, a health care reward app that accumulates d points every day.
Join the lucky event where you can participate just by walking!
AppTech, which gives Starbucks Gifticon in a week after walking hard and solving quizzes.
Cashdoc is a reliable app created by Cashwalk Development.
Luck accumulates every step of the way.
An app that makes money by receiving lucky numbers and accumulating d points by walking.
Every Saturday, the app tech is easy and fast with an exciting lucky event
Even if I use it for a week, I can get Starbucks Americano Gifticon in my hands!
Donber can be used as cash at tens of thousands of affiliated stores nationwide as gifticon with d points accumulated from the app Cashdac.
Cashwork cache and Cashdoc d-points are set aside.
If you solve the quiz, the d point is "Yongdon Quiz".
An app that makes money when you get a reward for a daily quiz.
Even if you solve a simple quiz, you get up to 10,000 points.
Information on the ultra-low-cost beauty event that gives d points, "Where did you do it?"
Check out the ultra-low cost event I was curious about, "Where did you do it" and get d points.
We will give you 1,000 points just by asking the hospital for consultation, and 10,000 points if you leave a review of your hospital visit.
Take care of your health at Cashdark, too.
As soon as you link your health information such as medical details and examination results, d points are paid!!
Check out the expenses and medical history of using hospitals and pharmacies at once.
Claim the actual cost insurance that you forgot and get your hospital bill back.
Get a free analysis of the risk of cancer on my examination results.
Unhackable, full-on security cashdock!
Don't keep sensitive financial information in any app!
Cashdac uses SSL/TLS and AES-256 encryption algorithms used by NASA in the United States to secure information.
Public certificate and ID/password are encrypted and stored only on the phone and are never sent to the server.
Through fingerprint registration, you can never see my information unless it's you.
Smart household accounts that are automatically recorded without caring!
How much did it cost? Cashdac automatically records income and expenditure every day by analyzing SMS payment texts.
Please organize the categories of card spending that I wrote, such as food, transportation, and cafes. Hold on to my salary that was passing by my bank account!
No more screens that hurt my eyes because of the tightness! Cashdoc displays a lot of information easily.